J'vala Tirasch
At a Glance
Name: J'vala Tirasch
Race: Miqo'te (Seeker of the Sun)
Pronouns: he/him
Height: 5' 3"
Age: 28J'vala is an experienced doctor who supervises the Valerian Clinic, a medical clinic he founded with locations in Shirogane and Ishgard. He is passionate about ensuring that everyone has access to good medical care, regardless of their wealth or station in life.He has recently opened up the Pressed Leaf, a library café that distributes free food to the community and serves as an informal community learning center.J'vala is married to Stovoj Tirasch and is dating W'vhern Grimm and Morgan Yetra.

J'vala was born into the J tribe settlement near Ala Ghiri during the Garlean occupation. When he was twelve, his mother had him smuggled out and sent to Ul'dah to live with his older cousin J'ahma and begin an apprenticeship in the healing arts. He learned a wide range of healing techniques, including the use of herbs, magic, and massage. J'ahma and J'vala provided services to the mercantile class of Ul'dah to make a profit, and then used that profit to care for other Ala Mhigan refugees.When his newly-freed homeland of Ala Mhigo came under renewed attack from the Garleans, J'vala joined the allied forces as a field medic. Although he was primarily focused on providing healing, he also began learning how to use his magic to defend himself. After the Garleans were forced into an ongoing stalemate, he decided that serving in the army didn't suit him and that his talents didn't really suit the army. He left Ala Mhigo and began trying to find his place in the world.
Roleplay Hooks
J'vala is first and foremost a healer. If your character has any medical issues they need help with, J'vala would be happy to help out. If there's a particular outcome or direction you want such roleplay to take, just chat with me OOC about it and I'll be happy to work with you.
Aether Sensitive
J'vala can sense aether, and at far better granularity and resolution than most other people or even instruments can. At close/touch range, his senses let him see aetheric abnormalities, anything you might detect with an x-ray, MRI, or cat-scan, and some things you'd be able to detect with bloodwork. At medium range, he can see his surroundings well enough to navigate with his eyes closed and would pick up on any oddities in those around him. He can sense distant sources of aether if they are strong enough.He tends not to look too closely at the aether of others without consent out of respect for privacy, but would pick up on anything particularly noteworthy even if he isn't specifically looking for it.
The Echo
J'vala has the Echo, which grants him his aether senses along with the ability to converse in other languages and immunity to temperance. It also gives him visions.J'vala sometimes receives Echo visions of the past, akin to those seen by the Warrior of Light in the MSQ. These visions are typically of a past memory for someone nearby and are usually triggered when the person is recalling the memory or experiencing emotions associated with that memory.Sometimes a vision of the past is then followed by a vision of the future. The future vision is typically somehow linked to the past vision, even if tenuously. Such visions are of a probable future at the present moment, but do not guarantee that what he sees will come to pass. Sometimes such visions are akin to a memory as with the past visions, but other times they are more fragmented or vague. J'vala only experiences such visions immediately after a past vision; they never occur on their own.Please message me privately if you are interested in J'vala having visions related to your character.
Although happy to fight monsters and similar threats, J'vala avoids combat situations against other people and tries to find more peaceful means of resolution for such conflicts when plausible. If forced into such a fight alongside allies, he may provide support via healing but will usually try avoid taking actions to cause harm to others. He will only resort to attacking someone as an absolute last resort in defense of his or another's life.
Ala Mhigan
J'vala spent his childhood with the J tribe near Ala Mhigo, before being smuggled out at age 12. He also spent some time fighting the Garleans for Ala Mhigo shortly before it won its independence. Although happy to give former Garleans a fresh start, the past conflict with Garlemald still weighs on him at times.
J'vala spent his adolescence and young adulthood in Ul'dah's poor districts. Although he's happy to work with the wealthy and knows how to navigate in those spaces, he quietly detests those who hoard wealth to the detriment of others.
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